This Guide is created to offer a reference point and assist VET Trainers for more comprehensive provision of online/offline delivery of Bio-FIT Training programme. It covers both highly specialized and broader topics within the project programme.
For more information, please see: Bio-FIT ICT Guide for Trainers /available in EN, BG, GR and HU/
Attractive and comprehensive vocational education and training (VET), as well as high quality and easy accessible VET is a main EU objective. This assures better quality of VET specialists – teachers, trainers, mentors, coaches, and advisors. In this respect, one of the main EU aims is to provide clear indicators and auxiliary materials on how to support VET trainers in companies in developing their competences. Those can be further reinforced into actions for all involved stakeholders, depending on national situations and contexts.
The Bio-FIT Training Manual is designed to assist in wider understanding of the role and importance of VET in organisational and national contexts in the area of sustainable and green agricultural development. It provides mentors/trainers with competencies that will enable them to effectively conduct VET, facilitate knowledge acquisition, and applied new skills through the use of Bio-FIT training programme. The manual focuses on five core elements of best practice, which relate to important aspects of managing and conducting contemporary VET.
For more information, please see: Bio-FIT Training Manual /available in EN, BG, GR, HU/
National case studies “Promoting organic farming by training in bio-fertilizers”’ persuades the main goal to analyse/assess the current state of the art in each partner country in respect to the existing education curricula in bio-fertilizers and the presence of green approaches in them; existing competence assessment schemes; existing competence classifications, etc. The survey encompassed performance of desk and in situ research in Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece and Hungary conducted to gather up-do-date information at national level and provide thorough analysis of the state of art on the following main topics:
European Vocational Education and Training (VET) system is strongly engaged with identification, validation and recognition of qualifications adopted in formal; non-formal and informal way. The lack of well design indicators restricts the mobility of work power and real operation of the European labor market. A serious work towards overcoming this obstacle was performed through elaboration of two important documents.
1. European Qualification Framework for lifelong learning (European Qualification Framework – EQF).
2. Integrated European System of credit transfer (European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training – ECVET).
Bio-FIT ECVET framework identifies the ways how ECVET principles and instruments can be integrated into existing VET practices in the project area. It represents practical guiding document providing a structure and tools for accrediting learner’s achievements after completion of the Bio-FIT Training programme. Proposed framework is addressed to trainers, VET providers, research centres and institutes providing training in agricultural sector that will support the implementation of ECVET tools and processes developed and tested within the Bio-FIT project.
For more information, please see:
Bio-FIT ECVET Framework /available in EN and BG/ Bio-FIT ECVET Concepts and Principles /available in EN and BG/ Bio-FIT ECVET Presentation /available in EN and BG/The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi-ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.